Explain the Fundamentals of a scripting language.

P3 –

A scripting language is a tool used for functionality to other software. Programming languages that use scripting languages are PHP, JavaScript,Python etc. scripting languages are designed for the purpose of creating simple tasks. An example could be something as simple as typing a product name or number into a search bar and having it display similar items such as computer on the website. This is called user side as the user commands the product searched for to be found and the computer displays the results, interactivity is now used on most websites.

Static websites are only used for displaying fixed information, if it is changed the designer will need to change update the code and re-upload the changed webpage to the web server, these type of websites are an old way of doing things and not often used in today’s designing because it wastes a lot of time. Instead users of today prefer to use dynamic websites as they are easily updated and usually there are scripting languages or databases.

A scripting language is often used with another programming language, because of this you will most likely find it alongside JavaScript. its easier to write the code in a scripting language than any other language. The difference is scripting languages are slower because instructions are not handled by the instruction processor, for example C++ is collected into an executed file, and a scripting language reads one command at a time.

Scripting languages are mostly used when you want to add functionality to a webpage. JavaScript is a interpreted computer programming language which was created by Netscape. JavaScript was originally designed as part of a web browsers which allowed client scripts could interact with the user, control the browser and alter documents. HTML was not able to provide the full experience of interactive websites alone, which is where JavaScript came in and was joined to make websites interactive.